Property Preparation and Presentation.


Developers are now being more considerate for prospective client’s requirements. Many are including additional features in their developments to ensure they are at “the front of the pack”.

These features include innovative architectural designs both inside and out, higher warehouse walls providing better internal clearances and greater cubic capacity, upgraded power supply and data cabling, and secure steel fencing with electrically controlled gates. Other incentives include a choice of floor and paint finishes and internal office fit out, high-grade amenities with showers, and full sized kitchens with quality appliances. Items like these are becoming the norm as both purchasers and tenants become more discerning and keen to obtain the best value for money. Often these items are not a huge extra expense if installed during construction, however can be a considerable expense to install after building completion. 


Other features developers should consider to ensure their projects are attractive and functional include extra-wide and/or multiple roller doors, higher internal warehouse clearances, and larger external hardstand and canopied loading areas and docks. 

Overall presentation and cleanliness is of paramount importance, first impressions are key in securing a new tenant or purchaser. Externally, neat and tidy gardens and landscaping are necessary, and the inclusion of an outdoor breakout area including BBQ and facilities are also popular.  Internally, painted warehouse walls and sealed floors are a great way to enhance a property, and for an existing building, clean skylights, windows and carpet are essential.


Environmental concerns are important in these ever-changing times, LED lighting, rainwater tanks and recycling systems and solar power equipment provide not only compliance with green legislative guidelines but also increased business operational efficiencies.

Rent-free incentives have become a standard item and vary greatly according to overall negotiations and developer motivation.


Rutherfords continue to work with developers large and small and are very active in all aspects from smaller multi-unit developments through to large pre-lease and turn-key projects.

We are experienced and innovative, please call one of our team members for assistance and advice for all requirements.




Posted on Friday, 25 November 2016
by Ron Williams in Latest News

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